Keraben Grupo and Nueva Iberocerámica extend their merger to all countries where they operate
Last May, Keraben Grupo and Nueva Iberocerámica, which belong to the British group Victoria PLC, merged the Casainfinita and Ibero Pocelánico brands for the Spanish and Portuguese markets. As of this September, this merger has been extended to all countries, becoming a single brand and commercial network: IberoCasainfinita. From a logistics standpoint, this new brand’s consignments have been merged at the current Nueva Iberocerámica facilities in Alcora (Castellón).
This merger aims to take advantage of the links between both companies to offer the customers a wider and deeper product catalogue, which will translate into greater sales opportunities and a more complete service to the end customer.

Keraben Grupo, S.A.U. and Nueva Iberocerámica, S.L.U. have decided to extend the merger of their brands Ibero Pocelánico and Casainfinta to all markets in which they operate. They will do it using the same catalogue and the same commercial network, all with a new logo that will unify both brands. From a logistics standpoint, this new brand’s consignments have been merged at the current Nueva Iberocerámica facilities in Alcora (Castellón).
At the same time, the new IberoCasainfinita General Catalogue 2020/ 2021 has been made available to all customers, a tool that consolidates the union of both brands. From the merger of Ibero and Casainfinita comes an exciting combination of trend and design. Ibero's own character and its infinite decorative options combine with Casainfinita's contemporary elegance and natural essence.
In the words of Santiago Oliver Bonet, CEO of Keraben Grupo: "The combination of Ibero and Casainfinita has proven to be a successful union during these first months of operation. Therefore, we have extended the merger to all countries where both brands operate. This union stands to be a business union for all our customers, with a wider range of products and a more solid structure, allowing us to face the future with a greater guarantee of success”.